Friday, June 29, 2012

How you pass the time in the countryside

Okay, when you see these photos you might wonder what the hell I'm doing out here in the countryside. The answer is: I'm renovating a mailbox.

I've always loved doing creative things and creating stuff with my hands, and when my grandmother complained about her poor mailbox that was completely broken I knew I had a new project for the next few days. One might wonder how a mailbox can get broken, and it is actually my grandfather who, two winters in a row, has hit it with his snowblower. My grandmother was obviously not happy about it, and has since then been reminded of the two "incidents" every morning when she goes out to get the mail. Anyway, now they're up north in our summerhouse and I decided to fix it while they are gone.

Given the condition it was in (there was for example a big hole in it), I'm very happy about the final result.

Before, but after some preparation work (filling up the hole for example)
After. I used wallpaper on the inside and painted a Marimekko pattern  on the outside.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Some wisdom and tips for future international students

A year ago I was enjoying my last consistent time in Sweden for a very long time ahead. I moved to The Hague at the end of August, and I remember how utterly confused and clueless I was the weeks before. I simply had no idea what was waiting for me in Holland. Who would I meet? How would the studies go? What if I hated it?

I recently got an email from a reader who is about to step on the same adventure as I did a year ago. Her confusion reminded me of my own state of mind at that time: full of questions and no answers. But, if there's anything I've learned since then, it's that things like these work themselves out sooner or later. When I had been in The Hague for about a week, things were a lot clearer and even though there were a lot of bureaucracy around the school and the enrollment procedure, it was all solved in the end.

When I arrived in The Hague there were so many impressions, and it's funny what you remember and what you simply forget in the big mess of events. Even though I can exactly remember the first dinner I had in The Hague (Kibbelingen at Simoni's in Scheveningen), I can't remember the details of how I met the people who today are my closest friends. That could also have something to do with my amazing ability of forgetting faces and names of people, of course.

But my point is this: it takes a while to settle in a new city, in a new country. At first it's all new and you might feel like you have no idea what is going on and how you're going to cope with all the impressions. But I promise, it all gets clearer and less confusing. You start building up an everyday type of life and you meet the greatest people ever, from all over the world (or in my case, mostly from Germany).

When I look back on the past year, I couldn't be more happy about my decision. I now feel completely at home in The Hague, and I'm sure you will too.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My new summer project - learning German

Now I'm back after a couple of days in Stockholm and when I came home there was a package waiting for me. Guess what's inside? A self-study book with German for beginners. 

Let me explain: when I finished my Dutch class at the University this semester, I promised myself that I would try to learn some German over the summer. Since I'm always hanging out with Germans and hear the language all the time, it would be downright stupid not to at least learn the basics so I can follow their conversations. Also, I'm going to live with one of my closest friends who -can you imagine- is German, and that is a great opportunity to learn speaking it. We're always joking around and saying that after the three years in The Hague are finished I will be fluent not in Dutch, but in German instead.
I wouldn't mind that at all!

The thing is, I've reached that point where I hear German all the time but realize I don't know any words. So as a natural development of this, I've started making up my own German words. Like schlosen. It doesn't mean anything and I'm not even sure if you would spell it like that. If it was a real word, that is. So as you might notice, it's about time for me to learn some proper German before I go on making up words until I have my own little pretend-German language that is unintelligible to everyone but myself. 

My new book!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Very Productive Sunday

Life out here at the farm is very different from my life in The Hague; today I've baked cinnamon rolls, painted a mail box, and helped clear the ground from big rocks where there will be a future lawn. It was pretty hard work to pick up the large stones, but we had nice weather so I didn't mind. Tomorrow I'm going to Stockholm to see a friend and later to have dinner with my dad. Feels like it's going to be a nice day!

A typical Swedish cinnamon garland

The mail box I painted

Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Midsummer, everyone!

This day has been just as perfect as Midsummer should be, with nice weather, delicious food and good company. I've been cooking a lot, making a lot of flower arrangements for the house, arrived to the meadow just when the dancing around the Maypole ended, and had a lovely dinner with my family. Now the dinner is finished and everyone is watching the game between Germany and Greece. We had a lot of different types of herring, homemade bread, meatballs, spare ribs, Polish sausages, salmon aperitifs and much, much more! 

As a dessert, I made a beautiful strawberry cake with strawberries, whipped cream, and lime curd. I really love baking so I had a lot of fun making and decorating it! 

I also found out just tonight that me and my friend got the apartment that we wanted, so I'm really happy now. This Midsummer couldn't have been better.

One of the flower decorations I made.
This year the Maypole was pathetically small.
Of course we raised the Swedish flag.
A true Midsummer dog wears the Swedish colors around her neck.
The party was over when we arrived...
The cake I made. It was delicious!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tomorrow: Midsummer!

Tomorrow is Midsummer, and today I've been really busy with the preparations. This morning I put together  the last of the IKEA things, a wardrobe, a cupboard, and some drawers. Then I went to the closest city to run some errands and do the grocery shopping. For those who have never experienced Midsummer: doing the grocery shopping the day before is to deliberately go through hell. And not complain here or anything, but I went alone. It was me against the world and I'm glad to say I made it out of there alive.

After I came back, it was time to start cooking. I made a big cake (which I will upload photos of tomorrow) and Swedish herring (which is typical for Swedish holidays) and some other small side dishes. There will be a big buffet tomorrow, as is tradition, so a lot more has to be done.

At the moment I'm sitting in the kitchen at home and watching the sun which hasn't set yet (even though it's 9.30 pm!). That's what I love about the Swedish summer and the Midsummer in particular; the sun never really sets. It's always light outside and I've gotten used to sleeping in a bright room since I got here.

It's truly amazing.

The progress in the new kitchen.
Ingredients for the curry herring. It's absolutely delicious!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

MRT and Midsummer preparations

Today I've been to Stockholm to do an MRT of my brain. With risk of sounding completely insane: I want to do it again! 

The hypochondriac in me is truly enjoying when I get to do things like this, and this was really, really cool! I got injected with contrast fluids and was put in one of those big tubes that you see on shows like Grey's Anatomy. The only disappointment was that it was over so soon.

After the MRT, I went to hang out with my sister at her place. We were tanning up on the roof of her apartment building with a view over Stockholm and it was very nice. Then we went shopping (like we always  do when we're together) and I bought a very nice dress. If I spend more time with her now, I'm going to b broke by the time I go back to Holland.

On Friday is the Swedish Midsummer, and tomorrow I'm going to start preparing the food and doing the grocery shopping. For those of you who don't know what this is, watch the video and be amazed of this crazy Swedish holiday...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sweden vs. France

Today I've continued the work on assembling IKEA furniture. I finished the kitchen yesterday but there were wardrobes and cupboards for the bedrooms and bathrooms as well. After a whole days of work, my hands are now completely swollen. Tomorrow I'm going to Stockholm to do an MRT of my brain. No, I'm not sick and I hope there's nothing wrong with me, but since aneurysms may be in our family it could be a good idea to check it out. And me (a major hypochondriac) is of course delighted to have this opportunity!

Now I'm watching the game Sweden - France and since Sweden is already out of the tournament it doesn't really matter what happens. France needs to win this to qualify, however, so I actually hope it goes well for them. Since they are the third team I'm rooting for in the Euro Cup and all.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pictures from Summerburst

Today I've been assembling IKEA furniture the whole day (we bought a whole kitchen plus wardrobes yesterday) and I'm completely exhausted! But I have to say though (not to brag or anything) that I'm somewhat of an expert on IKEA's FAKTUM serie now. I could probably put it together in my sleep.

Oh, now that my phone is fixed I could finally see my photos from Summerburst. Since we were there just after the rain stopped, there are quite few people in some of the photos. I promise you though, it was packed after 20.00.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The incredibly stupid Saturday night

Ah, what a day. Last night when me and my sister were at the Summerburst festival, her phone died. Genius me came up with the idea to put her sim-card in my phone instead. Only one problem though: she has a micro-sim. After a few glasses of wine and in the middle of a party-"everything is possible"-mode, we said "hey, let's try it at least!". If I could go back in time I would rewind to that moment and scream in my ear: "are you f*cking stupid?". But I can't, so here's what happened: her card got stuck in my phone, after which she said "oh don't worry, I'll fix it when we get home with the kitchen knife. I've done this many times before!".

Should I have protested by then? Should I have had my doubts when she mentioned the kitchen knife? Yes, I should have.

I didn't, though.

After we'd both been without phones the whole evening and unable to contact anyone, we came home happy and still feeling like everything was possible. My sister took out the kitchen knife and, well, pushed it in even further. My phone is now completely hi-jacked by her sim-card and her twin-sim is somehow impossible to call to. So both of us are pretty much handicapped now.

What was even more humiliating than merely the fact of having done this remarkably stupid mistake, was having to go to The Phone House on a Sunday morning, hungover, and explain what we'd done. He smiled and said (while trying not to laugh at us) that the warranty probably doesn't cover the repair since *trying to find a way to say it nicely* you, eh, brought it upon yourself (read: you were so stupid).

After this humiliation, I had to go home (now even more hungover) and go straight to IKEA to buy a whole kitchen for my mom's newly built apartment. To put it mildly, it's been a very long day.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Summerburst Saturday

Okay, yesterday was really sad to see. Sweden totally deserved to win considering how great they were playing until the very end. Anyhow, I still have 3 countries left to support in the Euro Cup. Someone is just bound to win.

Today I'm going to Summerburst festival in Stockholm with my sister to listen to, among others, David Guetta and Calvin Harris. It's going to be a lot of fun I think, and a good distraction from yesterday's defeat. 

Have a great Saturday, people!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Split feelings

Now I'm back in Sweden and everything is the same as always. Tonight I'll make dinner for everyone and watch the games France vs. Ukraine and Sweden vs. England with my family and two Polish guys. Of course I am supporting France and Sweden - what else?

When I was on the plane I already missed all the people I left back in The Hague, but of course it's very nice to spend some quality time with the family as well. I guess this is just how it is to have a different life in each country; I will always miss the people I'm not with at the moment.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The last supper

Tonight I'll have dinner with two of my darling friends at Umami, a Japanese restaurant. Since I'm leaving tomorrow morning, this is a goodbye dinner, which is a bit sad. I will miss them so much!

Tomorrow: Sweden

Today is my last day left in The Hague before I go to Sweden. I actually feel quite sad to leave; the weather is just starting to get nice again and I'm just going to miss all the people here like crazy! On Saturday I'll go to a festival with my sister and see David Guetta, Calvin Harris, Adrian Lux, and a lot of other great DJ's in Stockholm. At least that cheers me up a bit.
I will be gone for three weeks, something that when I booked the tickets didn't feel that long but now feels like an eternity. Don't get me wrong though, I really miss my family and friends back home and will be delighted to see them again, but I just feel as if I'm not done with The Hague yet. But the summer is long and I know I'll have plenty of time here later on, and I'm sure I will miss Sweden a lot then.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Netherlands vs. Germany

After cleaning today, I went downtown to meet up with a friend for lunch and some shopping. I found a pair of really cute shoes.

Tonight it's ON! After much consideration, I've decided that I'll cheer a bit for Holland but I'm mainly a German supporter tonight. Dangerous, I know. I'll watch the game together with a friend and a big group of people, so I won't be lynched at some bar. I think it will be a very good night!

Summer cleaning

Today I'm cleaning my room - throroughly. Since I'm going to Sweden on Friday and will be there for 3 weeks, I will not be able to be here for the inspection of the room. This means I have to clean everything and also try to determine what I can bring back to Sweden so I have less stuff to move later in the summer. I'm starting to realize now how much possessions I've actually collected here during this year. It's crazy!

Ah well, got to continue with the cleaning!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chill Tuesday

Last night was a bit embarrassing. There weren't that many Swedish people in the pub at all, and Ukraine played a lot better than I had expected. What a defeat. I was watching it with my boyfriend and a couple of friends though, so at least I had a little "Swedish" supporter group there with me. That helped! After the game, me and a friend of mine went downtown to forget about the big loss and have some girltalk over a glass of wine. It worked pretty well I must say.

Now I've just come back from the Swedish embassy where I've finally picked up my passport (it's been there for about a month now). Today is my first day of summer holidays, and I think I will go for a powerwalk and then sit in a café and read a book or something. Tonight I'm going out for dinner with a friend!

Life could definitely be worse.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Go Sweden!

Here we gooo! Front seats by the big screen. Wish us luck!

Sweden vs. Ukraine

Tonight Sweden plays against Ukraine, and I'm sure we're going to win. I'll probably watch the game at a pub or something, but first I have to get something blue/yellow. Maybe Hema has some face colors that I can paint a flag with? Anyone got any other ideas?

Now I have to start study Dutch I guess - the exam is in 3 ½ hours. Oops.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The marching bands of The Hague

After a nice breakfast I went downtown with a friend to study some Dutch in the sun. It was pretty hard to concentrate though, because there were marching bands going past us all the time (including a Scottish one - really good!).

At one point, the marching band stopped right in front of us. We were really trapped and couldn't go anywhere for about 10-15 minutes while they were playing with trumpets right in our ears. All around them were people who had stopped to watch the show, and well, I felt pretty exposed actually.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

This is how you come home...

....when Germany wins against Portugal! I watched both games at an Irish pub tonight, with a big mix of international people and the atmosphere was great! A bit disappointing that the Netherlands lost against Denmark, but Germany completely compensated with their grand performance against Portugal! Go Germany!

Europe, here we go!

Tonight it's Euro Cup time! Netherlands-Denmark and Germany-Portugal I think. It will be exciting, and of course I'm on NL's and Germany's side. Except when they meet each other on Wednesday though. Then I'm probably on Germany's side. Dangerous.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Current Affairs report - check!

I just came home from the library, where I've been sitting for hours together with a friend writing on a report about Ikea and the media. We finally finished in the end, which the only thing left now is a Dutch exam! 


What a great night it was! Even though I got stuck in the tram tracks and fell with my bike and now have bruises all over my body, it was still one of the best nights in a long time. Today I have a meeting with a friend at the public library, we're going to finish our report for Current Affairs. The only thing left for school is that report and the Dutch exam, and then I'm totally free for the summer. So great!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Going out!

Look out The Hague, tonight we will celebrate!

The light at the end of the tunnel

My ambition level is getting lower and lower with each exam, and today I fell asleep (for 45 minutes!) while studying. The boredom in combination with my lack of sleep did the trick. I have my last exam for this week at 3 pm today, and I think it will go okay. I guess that as the ambition level goes down, the arrogance goes up.

Tonight I will celebrate that this week is finally over by going out (of course)! I have another exam in Dutch on Monday though, but that is far away from my mind right now. I'm so happy!

A happy Alice that has just given up on studying. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Financial Planning - check!

I did it! I survived the Financial Planning exam this morning! The only thing that remains to be seen now is whether I passed it or not. However, I'm still happy that I've got it over with and actually managed to do some calculations. This might sound like very low criterias, but given the fact that I knew nothing about this yesterday, I think it's pretty good. Tomorrow is the Management and Organization exam, and then I'm (almost) free!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ja, ik spreek Zweeds.

So, 3 exams done and 3 to go! They exams today went fairly well actually, I think. I only hope I won't jinx it by saying that though. It was so cute, because the vigilators that control the procedures in the exam room are quite old (retired in fact), and one of them recognized that my last name was Swedish today. It went like this:

Him: (after looking at my ID): "Hm.. Is dat een Zweedse naam?" (Is that a Swedish name?)

Me: "Ja, ja, dat klopt." (Yes, that's right) 

Him: "Dat is heel mooi, zeg" (That is really nice)

On the next exam, as I was handing it in:

Him: "Dat is inderdaad een hele mooie naam!" (That is indeed a really nice name!)

Me: "Dank u wel!" (Thank you!)

Him: "Maar, spreek je ook de taal?" (But, do you also speak the language?) 

Me: "Zweeds? Ja, natuurlijk." (Swedish? Yes of course.)

Him: "Ah, wat leuk!" (Oh, how nice!) 

A bit strange conversation now that I think about it, but he was so adorable! Who knows, maybe the love of his life is Swedish and that's why he's so curious about it? I wonder if he thought I was half Dutch, half Swedish?

Hell week: Day 2.

Today is a day that will require coffee - in masses. I have two exams today, and when I get home I have to start studying for the next one that is tomorrow. I barely slept last night because my brain just wouldn't shut down after studying intensively the whole evening after I came home from the exam. What is more worrying though, is that I've noticed that I probably need to start sleeping with my braces again. I am biting my teeth together every single night now (and sometimes during the day even!).

Can this week just end already?

Monday, June 4, 2012

1 down, 5 to go!

I finished relatively quick on this first exam. It could only mean two things: I either knew it very well, or I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I guess we'll see when I get the results...

Let the exams begin!

It's here: the exam week. 

I've been studying really hard in the weekend and now I feel prepared for at least the exam that I have today (Global Economic Dimensions). The whole coming week will be filled with exams, and every night will be dedicated to panic-studying for the one the next day.

Don't you just love exam week? 
Exactly how I feel right now...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The day after

Last night was really great! The whole place and all the people were really glowing in the dark, and I got a sprayed on tattoo on my arm in neon paint as well as a heart. It looked really cool actually. Almost everyone were wearing white or bright neon colors that really lid up the place. Like I said, it was a truly great night.

However, today I'm totally exhausted due to lack of sleep and it's pretty hard to focus on studying when your eyes won't stay open. Anyway, I'll give it a try!

I borrowed some pictures from a friend since mine turned out really blurry:

Neon flower - check!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Project E party

Tonight I'm taking a break from the studies to go to the biggest party of the year. It's called Project E, is organized in Scheveningen at the beach, and will hold up to 1600 people. Sounds great, right?

The theme is NEON and there will be UV-lights and neon body paint to glow in the dark. I bought a regular white t-shirt especially for this purpose! I think we all deserve a night off from the intense studying that is now filling up our days (and nights!).

Here is the facebook page to the party:

Maybe I see some of you guys tonight even?