Monday, October 31, 2011

Audiovisual project

The weekend has been great, and I've finally slept enough to compensate for the lack of sleep during the exam week. Today I'm gonna go to a friend's house and work on a project that is due Wednesday. It's an audiovisual for Intercultural Communication about stereotypes. I might even post the link to YouTube when it's done, it all depends on how retarded I'll look in it, haha. Well well, back to work I guess, see ya!

Friday, October 28, 2011

The exam week is finally, finally, OVER

Thank God it's Friday. Seriously. What a week it's been! Had the last exam today in Language Proficiency. While writing the essay, I just thought to myself "fuck this, I'm hungry." So I started writing the summary. That's basically how you get after a week of endless studying and exams every day. I was pretty happy yesterday though, because I got back the results for the exam I had on Tuesday. I'm pretty satisfied I must say! Let's just hope the other ones went as well. Yesterday was the hardest one ever - Intercultural Communication. I just hope I passed it so I don't have to do a resit.

Well well, enough talk about school! After the exam we went to Siezo, the bar next to uni, and had a drink. Then I went home, made tacos for me and my lovely roommate and her boyfriend, and now I'm just waiting for people to come over so we can GET THIS PARTY STARTED. God knows we deserve it!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Two exams down - three to go!

Today I had the first two exams, Dutch and Introduction to Communication. The Dutch exam this morning was an oral exam, and we had to perform a prepared dialogue, an improvised dialogue and answer some questions. The prepared dialogue went well, but the improvised one was a bit trickier. Anyway, on the whole I think it went okay. After Dutch exam I went home to study for the next one, and I managed to fall asleep while reading - three times. So after quitting studying and watching Lonely Island-videos on Youtube for an hour, while drinking loads of coffee, I was fit for fight again. I guess we'll find out later if it worked or not! Tomorrow morning is the Internal Communication exam. Can't really say I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Let the exams begin!

Today is Monday, and the first day of exam week. Tomorrow the exams start for me, with Dutch and Introduction to Communication. I've been nervous the whole week, because you don't really know what level of diffculty the exams are gonna be at. But at the same time, it goes the way it goes. And sure, I probably should have started studying for this earlier than I did, but that's something to keep in mind for the next exam period. I've seen the schedule for term 2 and the courses sound really interesting! I'll tell you more about that later, when I've managed through this week.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Can you be more stupid?

Here I am, finally sitting in my room. Everything is unpacked and cosy. However, this was not the case yesterday when I arrived from Sweden. On the train back to The Hague, I realised that I'd forgotten my keys in Sweden. "Oh fucking shit, shit. shit. shit. Fuck." was what was going through my head at that moment. How could I be so stupid that I put out the keys from my purse? Anyway, I slept at a friend's place and this morning I went on a hunt for spare keys. Duwo had spare keys, but had given them to some company that were going to fix something in the apartment. So I had to go back to the apartment and wait for the company there. Safe to say I'm never ever going to make that mistake again! Now when I'm all settled and home again, I'm gonna start studying for the exams next week!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Home Sweet Home

The last few days I've been in Sweden to recharge my batteries and visit everyone (and get some Swedish food with me). I came here on Friday, and time really flies when you're having fun. It's been a few hectic days with birthday celebration, reunion with friends and family, and even some mushroom-picking up in the forest. What a scene change! It was so nice though, and now I've just finished packing my bags again, fuller than ever. In a few hours I will be on the plane back to... home? It is an extremely strange feeling, that. I'm leaving home, to go home. Anyway, I have a lot of nice visits to look forward to in The Hague the coming two months!

See you on the other side!
Home Sweet Home
Packing. The painting had to go via mail.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Quick escape

This week is all about exams exams exams. I got a bit tired of it yesterday, so I took an impulse decision to take the train down south to visit my friend close to Den Bosch again. It was nice; talking, learning and listening to Dutch all time. I also got to drive a car outside Sweden for the first time today! It was so nice to finally drive a car again, even if it only was for a kilometre or two... I have some new favourite Dutch foods too: Stamppot (mashed potatoes with vegetables), rijste pap (very similar to the Swedish risgrynsgröt, like rice porridge), rookworst (that you eat with the stamppot), and of course, the one and only turkish pizza.

What else... Oh yeah, I'm going to Sweden on Friday too (or escaping if you wish). I have a whole list of things to bring back from there, both for me and for others. A friend of mine who studied in Sweden for a year asked for a certain toothpaste that apparently tastes like Sprite. Never heard of it but I will try to find it! Except for dental hygiene, I will load my suitcase with homemade lingonberry jam, apple jam, Swedish candy and of course some winter clothing.

So long!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Birthday girl

Yesterday was my 20th birthday, and it was completely awesome! I handed out chocolate chip cupcakes in class, and they sang to me. Later I went for a bit of birthday shopping (I had to get a gift for myself of course), and then home to start getting ready for the party. My Chinese roommate cooked Chinese food for me and my Norwegian roommate handled the whole "catering" for the party. It was a huge success! Later we went out downtown, and what happened after that is to remain confidential. Now my friend from Belgium is here over the weekend and I'm so happy! We're gonna have a lot of fun!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Morgen ben ik jarig!

Tomorrow is my birthday, so today I've been all bouncy and excited like the little adolescent I am. I was in school today to finish our group assignment in Dutch Culture and Society about the royalty. We had to make a poster and I felt like I was back in 4th grade again. We were cutting out texts and pictures, and taping them on this enormous orange poster. We borrowed the tape from some of the offices there, and it was just enough for us to finish! A bit ashamed to return it empty, we saved a little piece to make it look like it wasn't, while giggling the whole time. Again, 4th grade anyone?

Anyhow, I'm soooo looking forward to tomorrow! It's my second birthday abroad. Spain last year was good, now show me what you've got NL!

It doesn't look empty, right?

The final result!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's only a matter of time till I start wearing orange

Postcard stand at Binnenhof, sorrounded by Dutch kids.
Yesterday me and a friend walked aroung the city to take photos for an assignment in the course Dutch Culture & Society. The theme for our assignment was Dutch Royalty, so we took photos of Noordeinde, de Koninklijke Marechaussee (Royals Marshals), some post cards of the royals, magazines with Máxima on the cover, and a lion symbol at Binnenhof. This was okay I thought, until my roommate came in tonight, completely excited, telling me she just saw Máxima herself at the Noordeinde Palace. I can't say I'm not jealous. I just went to a lecture today about the Dutch royals, and weirdly as it may sound, I'm starting to really feel for this country. I feel "patriotic" when I hear about Máxima, Queen's day and so on, even though I've only lived here for 6 weeks today. Very strange. Maybe it's a sign that this should be my second home? That I've made the right choice to move here? Who knows... I only know that for now, I could really imagine staying here for a while.
