Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Relax more

I have no classes today, so I'm studying at home. I might go to Coffee Company and study though, because I feel like I have to get out of my room. Do you remember that I wrote before that I would try to relax more when it comes to school and stuff? Well, it's going great! I haven't slept with my braces for over two weeks now, and I really try to relax in general. I only study when I feel like it, which makes the time spent much more effective. The rest of the time I only do things that I like, and so far it's working out great.

I had a talk with my dad about this when I was in Sweden last week, and he said that it's good to aim high, but you have to make sure that the goals are worth the effort you put in. That's so true. From now on, I will only set up goals because I really want it, and not because I feel like I have to.

Now I'm going to bike downtown and get some secret birthday presents!

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling! I am happy to say that I haven't broken my New Year's resolution yet -- the resolution to not bring any work home.

    I hope you enjoyed the bike ride downtown :)
