Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Slow Wednesday, exciting Thursday

Today has been pretty chill. We didn't have any Dutch, so I only had a meeting this morning and then a Branding lecture. When I came home I started reading the marketing book again. It seriously feels like I don't do anything but read marketing. I wonder how the exam is going to be like. Tomorrow is gonna be a very fun and eventful day though! I have a meeting in the morning, then I have Language Proficiency where I'm gonna do a group presentation, then I have Research Skills and to finish off the school day there's an information session about exchange in Asia and Australia, among others. It's gonna be really interesting to hear about! Later in the evening there's a Sinter-Klaas celebration with the class downtown, with presents. And when presents are involved, it has to be good! Later, I'm probably gonna finish off the night with a Student Gala party downtown. Nice thursday!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dreams of South Africa

Today I went to an information session about Germany, Austria, Portugal, Flanders, and South Africa. I had Germany on my list on countries I'd like to go to before, but apparently you have to speak German for most of the programmes. That sucks a bit. However, South Africa, which I've been wanting to go to for a long time now, has climbed up to the top of my list again. I really want to go there! The bad thing is that there are only 3 spots available, and a lot of other people want to go. But we'll see, I have to write a motivational letter for the application in January, and it's going to be the best one ever! There are still many information sessions left, so we'll see what will be my top three in January.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Studying at McDonald's

Today has been a really nice Saturday. I woke up, had breakfast and started reading a bit in my marketing book. It usually feels like torture but today it was actually pretty interesting. I guess I'm starting to become brainwashed by Kotler. Later in the afternoon, I took my laptop and biked to Coffee Company where I met up with two friends to work on our branding assignment. The assignment is about finding a brand concept for an Aloe Vera drink and to do some field research, I bought one on the way for us to try. I should add here that it was completely disgusting. We came to the conclusion that it smelled like cheap shower gel and the taste was no better. It even had little slimey pieces in it. Yuck. 

After a couple of hours, the battery on the laptops started to run out, and there was not a single outplug in the cafĂ©. So, we decided to move to McDonald's, which is famous for it's free Wi-Fi. You have to be creative as a poor student. We sat there for a couple of hours, but kept getting disturbed by these really wierd and creepy people. First there was a guy dressed in military uniform, and I still have no idea what he wanted. Then there was a woman sitting next to us who kept offering us cake and telling us she's gonna get 60 euro soon. Okay... In the end, we got a lot work done and celebrated the end of our work-session with a McDonald's dinner. Very glamorous indeed! 

Studying hard...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

Me and my girls. I look like a pimp.
Last night I went out with two friends. It was really fun and we went to Supermarkt as usual. It was kinda embarrasing though, because I was really bitchy to some guys that kept asking how old we thought they were. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now... They probably deserved it anyway.

I've started thinking a lot lately about exchange, and after a discussion with my mom, I'm now leaning towards Istanbul, St Petersburg or Seoul. All of them are really interesting cities and far from what I am used to. I hate when I have to take really big decisions like this, that has a huge impact on your future life. Those who know me know that I have an extremely difficult time making decisions, and this is no expection. However, when I think back on all the choices I've made so far, it's turned out pretty good. I think that whatever country I choose to go to now, it will still be a unique experience in my life and hopefully open up some new doors. Now I'm gonna go to Albert Heijn to buy snacks, so I can have a cozy night in by myself.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Free international food

 After class today, there was this thing that I told you about, the Cultural Market. There was a lot of exchange students from all over the world, cooking food typical for their countries. They arranged it as a competition, and Italy won of course. Their pasta was divine! Me and my friends walked around like vultures and stuffed ourselves with food. Apparently there is such a thing as a free dinner! It was very convenient for me, since I only have about 40 cents left on my bank card this month.

South Korea made delicious beef sushi

Spain gave out free wine to go with the food. A bribe?

Happy people with Hungarian gulash
After the very classy dining, we went on an information session about studying abroad next year. It seemed quite weird to start thinking about it now, but apparently, we have to apply in January. I have a handful of countries that I'm considering actually... Every Friday until January we will have information sessions about different countries, so we know more about what to choose. It's so exciting! Although, I can't stop thinking about what I will do with accomodation and all my furniture and so on when I leave Holland for a semester. Hm...

I feel so grown up

This term, there are a lot of group works, and group works mean a lot of meetings. I feel like I have meetings everyday of the week, and it feels so grown up. I don't know why, but to say "no I can't then, I have a meeting", when scheduling for another meeting, feels like something adults would say. And yes, I am aware that I sound pretty immature right now. Anyway, today the Branding lecture got cancelled, so I got some time to stay home and read the fantastically interesting *ehm eehm* marketing book before I go to school for, yes, a meeting. We're gonna discuss the research project that is hanging over us like a dark cloud. Later tonight there is a lecture/meeting about studying abroad for ESCM (European studies & Communication Management) students, which will be really interesting. We'll get to meet exchange students and talk about their countries and possibilities to study there. I still don't know where to do my exchange though. Maybe Germany?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Birthday parties here, there, everywhere

I have been a bit slow to write lately, but trust me, life here goes on! On saturday I was on a birthday party for two of my friends, and we had a lot of fun! The night ended at Supermarkt quite early, around 3 am. I actually just came home from another birthday party, at the Irish pub Fiddler's downtown. Seems like everyone has their birthdays in the fall and winter!

Party at Supermarkt
Right now there is so much to do in school, I don't know how I will have time to do it all. Having visits is nice, but it really slows you down on that front. Next week I have another visit, from my mom. She's coming over here to do some christmas shopping and it's gonna be great to see her again. I really can't wait till christmas now! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stranded in The Hague

Swedish Chocolate Balls
Last night was so much fun! We were some 13 people who showed up, and there were more than enough food to go around. We had (among other things): French cheese, Bulgarian bob, Dutch poffertjes & negerzoenen, German pretzels and wine, Surinamese chicken and rice, and pumpkin pancakes from Curacao. As I wrote yesterday, I contributed with Swedish chocolate balls, cardamom crackers and Absolut vodka (we never made it to the vodka though). I was so full after all the delicious food!

Later, when some of us were going home, we realised that we missed the last bus and tram to the centre. It was over midnight, freezing cold, and we were in the middle of nowhere. It was basically one of those situations where you wished you had McGyver with you. We waited and waited, asking every buss and tram driver if we could get a ride. No, we couldn't. It was really annoying, because we saw buses and trams coming and leaving all the time to go even deeper into nowhereland, but no one to the city centre. Finally, we got a ride by a friend's grandfather who came and picked us up. Savior of the night!

One of the (nicest) group pics

Today we had a lecture in Branding, and we got a really interesting assignment that I can't wait to start with! We are supposed to develop a brand concept for an Aloe Vera drink. Exciting!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Class activity

Today is finally the class activity that I, as class rep., really should have organized long ago. I am not usually a procrastinator like this, but it just hasn't worked out with a place to be etc. But tonight it finally goes down, and everybody has to bring something to eat/drink typical for their culture. For those of you who are curious, I'm gonna bring Swedish "chokladbollar" (lit. translated chocolate balls), and of course Absolut Vodka. To mom, who probably thinks I'm a complete alcoholic by now: I couldn't get a hold of any Swedish drink.

I'm looking forward to tonight, it's gonna be fun with some class bonding. I'll post photos later!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sister weekend

I just said good bye to my sister who has been visiting me here in The Hague since Thursday. It's been so great, and we've been doing some sightseeing, shopping, dining, going out, everything really! We went to see the Peace Palace (that I actually hadn't seen yet), and it was amazing! I understand why it's a very popular tourist attraction. Last night we felt like staying in so we ordered thuisbezorgd (home delivery) and really overdosed on food while watching a movie. Sister bonding at its best!

Posing outside the Peace Palace like real tourists
I have to tell you about something really funny we saw yesterday when we were biking home! Two swans were in the canal, and it seemed like they were having a bit "fun", if you know what I mean. However, suddenly, one of the swans was drowning the other one. I mean actually drowning, the swan was pushing the other swan's head under the water and tried to keep it down. It was amazing how the people around tried to intervene by throwing leaves at them etc. The whole affair ended with a swan-chase down the canal. I hope the poor swan got away...

Swarte Piet show. Sorry for the blurry pic.
I feel that I am drifting away from the subject a bit... We also saw the Sinter Klaas parade with a lot of Swarte Piets jumping around the city. A bit creepy if you ask me. Despite the shoepolish-covered little elfs, it was a really nice weekend, and I can't wait till the next time she comes to visit!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reading, studying, and reading some more

So... Here I am again, sitting on my sofa, then at my desk, then lying in my bed (and then repeating the cycle) - reading. It has dawned on me that term 2 is exactly like term 1, but only a bit more to do. How come I had this whole vision that it would be so calm? I guess I had forgotten all about assignments and deadlines while studying for exams. Don't get me wrong though, I still love this programme and especially the people in it. But I don't know, I have this feeling that there is so much to do, and that christmas (and Sweden) never seems to come any closer. I suppose I'm just being a little homesick at the moment. However, that will hopefully fade somewhat when my sister comes to visit on Thursday! It's going to be great, and she's bringing Swedish things for me that I miss here. For example, she's bringing an "adventsljusstake" (advent candlestick) which is tradition to have in the windows in late November and December.

Can't wait to see you sis!
A Swedish Advent Candlestick

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Amsterdam, shopping, and Belgian visit

Me and my roommate in A'dam
This weekend has been crazy, to say the least. On Friday, me and my roommate went to Amsterdam to go shopping. We found a pair of pumps, but we soon got claustrophobic by the gigantic amount of people. I (with my hypocondriac side) could barely breathe with so many people pushing each other and blocking my way. So, we took the train home after an exhausting day of walking, walking and walking. Later on, my friends from Belgium came over and we had a nice mojito-night at my place.
Brunch at de Bakkerswinkel
Last night, however, was a big drama night. My friend fell on the bike and hurt her ankle so bad that we had to go to the hospital. After coming home from the hospital, I walked downtown to get our bikes. Not a very smart idea to go alone when I think about it now, but I managed to get home safe anyway. Now I have to check the schedule for tomorrow, it's very likely that they've changed it again since last time I saw it.

Time for term 2!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Audiovisual done!

Today I went to school to attend the kick-off for term 2. It was with some challenge though, because we went to an after-exams-party downtown last night. To mom: No, I don't make it a habit to party on Tuesdays... Anyway, term 2 starts on Monday and we have to do some kind of digital portfolio to put our works in. At least I think so, but I didn't really get the point with it.

At the shooting session
Oh, today we handed in the audiovisual! FINALLY. It's so nice to have it done, and my group was really awesome. If anyone of you guys are reading this - I love you! Here's the link to the YouTube video. I can't help to think I look and sound like a retard in it though, but hey, what can you do about it?
